People of Praise_ Documentary Shorts
"A life of self-renouncing love is one of liberty" is the tenet that best captures the heart behind People of Praise and the steady, quiet work being done in north Louisiana at Praise Academy. Moving to and living in what most people would short-hand as a dangerous, underserved, overlooked, rowdy and poor area in Shreveport, Louisiana is not typical. Then again neither is seeing that same community slowly transform over 2 decades into a redeemed, safe, quiet, neighborhood known for its education, kindness, and tranquility. Streets once riddled with the sounds of violence and grief now burst alive to the melody of children laughing and neighbors talking; the unlikely fruit of a handful of once-strangers now become the fabric of this tiny sliver of Christ's upside-down kingdom.
The Action program of the People of Praise sends teams of high school students and adults to serve for a week or two each summer in Evansville, IN, Indianapolis, IN, and Shreveport, LA. Action members serve the neighbors through a variety of projects including home repair, landscaping, gardening, and running day camps for neighborhood children.
Learn more and consider partnering with this good work at www.peopleofpraise.com/action
Services Provided_
Creative Direction
Pre-Production & Production Resources
Director & Director of Photography
Red Helium 8K Cinema Camera Rental
Post Production Supervision
Editorial & Color Grading
4K Deliverables For Web & Social Media