What we work, live by:
Our name is only as good as our ability to keep our promise, so we do the right thing, the right way, on time, every time with transparency regardless if it’s hard or unpopular to do so.
It’s impossible to judge when you’re curious, so assuming positive intent kills insecurity + transforms dormant ideas into alchemic creative genius.
Actively listening and empathically considering the point of view of those around us keeps us self-aware, others-centered, and helpful servant-leaders.
Bad news travels fast around here, so when mistakes happen we own them, apologize, learn, and move forward grateful for having grown from the opportunity to improve.
A figure-it-out, relentless optimism helps us solve problems by combining know-how with scrappy perseverance to innovate savvy solutions with a smile.
Y(our) Crew
Max Zoghbi, MBA | Founder & Executive Producer
I am an insecure cerebral creative with over a decade of experience in commercial video production, business development, design strategy, creative direction, and faking it digital marketing.
Serving people empathically gives me fuel to create teams + work I'm most proud of; it’s about empowering others along the way as much as where we end up. I come alive when clients are kind and easy presented with the seemingly disconnected aspects of a problem and synthesize creative solutions to tell a meaningful story that helps move the needle.
I’m a little too honest never far from adventure, fight imposter syndrome just like you, love to play harder than I work, and make others around me feel seen served, & taken care of as we work our asses off collaborate.
I’d love for our team to serve you and help bring your everything to life.